ABD Statement on Racial Justice

Statement on Racial Justice

The American Board of Dermatology unites with our diplomates and the medical community to unequivocally condemn racism in all its forms. We are saddened and outraged by horrific acts of violence against Black Americans and the deeply ingrained inequalities that persist in our country. We stand for justice, compassion, and equal opportunity not only within our specialty, but throughout organized medicine, our nation and the world. Advancing efforts to confront systemic racial injustice and prejudice is critical to our mission to ensure the highest standards in the specialty of Dermatology. We commit to action in recognizing and working to eliminate racism and its impact in our organization, our profession, and our society. Please contact us with any suggestions you may have that further our commitment to diversity and cultural sensitivity.

Directors of the ABD:
Julie V. Schaffer, President
Erik J. Stratman, MD, Vice President
Chris K. Bichakjian, MD
Anna L. Bruckner, MD
Keith A. Choate, MD
Edward W. Cowen, MD
Karynne O. Duncan, MD
Tammie C. Ferringer, MD
Warren R. Heymann, MD
Christine J. Ko, MD
Moise L. Levy, MD
Julia R. Nunley, MD
Mary S. Stone, MD
Hensin Tsao, MD
Allison T. Vidimos, MD
Carl V. Washington, MD
Bruce M. Bartels, Public Member 

Thomas D. Horn, MD, MBA, Executive Director
Lela A. Lee, MD, Associate Executive Director
Randall K. Roenigk, MD, Assistant Executive Director