ABD Certification Marks

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In April 2014, The American Board of Dermatology began offering diplomates special certification marks to identify themselves as certified by the ABD. The use of this mark informs the public that a diplomate meets the certification requirements established by the ABD, including education, training, and experience.  To date, over 1900 diplomates have requested this certification mark for use on letterhead, signage, websites, in the phone book, and in other forms of advertising.

To request permission to use these certification marks, email the ABD office outlining your intended use. We will then send you the certification mark personalized with your name on it at no charge. We offer certification marks to demonstrate primary certification in Dermatology, as well as subspecialty certification in Clinical & Laboratory Dermatological Immunology, Dermatopathology and Pediatric Dermatology.

We are pleased to offer this service to our diplomates and encourage you to e-mail the ABD office (communications@abderm.org) to obtain your customized certification mark.